Why Women Get Hip Pain during Early Pregnancy

Women generally suffer from severe hip pain during pregnancy period. However, it can happen at any time during pregnancy, but it generally reaches the peak during the third trimester.
Hence, if someone experiences the similar hip pain during pregnancy, then there is nothing to get anxious of. This occurs due to increase in hormones like progesterone and relaxing. It causes a loosening effect on body muscles, joints, as well as ligaments. This process helps a mother to prepare her body for childbirth. Besides that, it is found to be the main cause of relaxation of tissues and joints that in general support a human body
A would be mother goes through several structural changes during the pregnancy. Her abdominal muscles and uterus continues stretching, as her little baby is growing inside the abdomen. This causes further strain on the hips and pelvis to hold her up and changes center of gravity of her body. Movements of muscles in different ways can also cause discomfort.
Most woman gain weight as her pregnancy progresses and this also puts pressure on hips and pelvis, which are stretching and widening continuously to make room for the baby.
Body posture plays a significant role in reducing hip pain during pregnancy. A mother should remain careful regarding bending and sitting properly. Improper and careless body postures tend to put extra strain and tension on hip muscles. Standing for longer time is strictly prohibited at this stage. A pregnant woman should always maintain calmness and peace of mind since stress could cause stiffness in all parts of her body putting extra pressure on maternity places on hips and pelvis.
Tips to Relieve Hip Pain during Early Pregnancy
Do you suffer from hip pain during pregnancy? Does your hips, thighs and buttocks ache when you walk, climb stairs or even sit down for a long time? Alternatively, maybe you have already been diagnosed with symphisis pubis dysfunction. Either way, pregnancy hip pain can be extremely painful and distressing for the pregnant mother.
The cause of hip pain during pregnancy is caused by the loosening of the ligaments as well as the added strain on the muscles caused by increased weight bearing.
Tense pelvic muscles can cause misalignment in the pelvis resulting in pain. Here are some tips to relieve pelvic pain in pregnancy.
1. Massage can help in relieving pelvic pain. This massage can help to relieve pain from certain muscles, which support the pelvic organs. A little massage may take some of the weight bearing pressure away from the pelvic girdle and ligaments.
2. Elastic support belt or the pelvic girdle can help to support your pelvis during pregnancy. This acts just like an ankle or knee brace to keep the joints in place.
3. Climbing stairs is very painful if you suffer from pelvic pain. It may be advisable to go up and down stairs using your bottom, and lifting yourself up or down each stair with your hands. Bear in mind that it is much easier going down than up!
4. Remember to sit on a chair when getting dressed and when carrying out household chores.
5. If you swim for exercise, avoid breaststroke as it places added strain on your hip joints.
6. Increase pelvic strength by sitting on an exercise ball. Only do this if you are not in any pain.
7. the most effective method of relieving Hip Pain during Pregnancy is by releasing the muscles supporting the pelvis of tension and strain. This is a major contributing factor to pelvic pain.
Stretching exercises to relieve your Hip pain during early pregnancy:
Stretching is an activity that is incredibly useful in reducing related muscle pain. Apart from the below precautions, here are some traits that can significantly lead to relief from hip pain:
1. Hamstring Stretching:
Back thigh muscles are the largest muscles located on the back of the thigh. tight hamstrings will cause hip or back pain during pregnancy.
Traits of the hamstring are performed in a sitting or standing position during the second trimester. In a seated variant, one should extend one leg to the front of the body and bend the other with the foot resting on the thigh or the inside knee of the extended leg. Leaning towards the extended leg causes the hamstrings to stretch on that particular side, which can be felt down the back thigh.
2. Seated piriformis Stretch:
Piriformis is a small muscle that passes from the tip of the femur towards coccyx. Its primary function is to offer stability and regulate the movement of the sacroiliac joint (pelvis unites coccyx). When this joint is not stable, it affects the piriformis and therefore causes pain in the buttock area.
This form of stretch involves crossing one leg rather than another leg and bending forward close to the side until you can feel a stretch in the back of the buttocks.
3. Flexor Stretch:
Hip flexors cross the front of the hip, and help in the movement of the upper leg towards the front of the body. These flexors become tight in your pregnancy and thus contribute to pain in the hip and discomfort. Weakness of the abdominal muscles will also cause tightness of the hip flexors, disrupting the pelvic alignment and increasing the lumbar curve.
Flexor tracts of the hip involve kneeling on one leg while the other is placed in front of the body with a bent knee. Moving the full weight on the front leg will help in stretching the flexor muscles to the opposite side.
4. Child’s Pose:
The child’s pose and extends the muscles of the spine, which often become tight in your pregnancy.
For the laying of a child, you should be in a kneeling position and lower the body on the thighs so that the lower part of the body rests on the feet and upper body and ankles above the front of the thighs. Here the forehead will rest on the floor; the arms extend outwards and palms also rest on the floor. At an advanced stage of pregnancy, the knees are already spread apart.
Precautions when performing Stretches during Pregnancy:
Always check with your doctor when you plan to start a stretching exercise. Make sure that you will not stretch beyond the pain point. Avoid holding your breath and bouncing when you run the stretch.
If you experience pain, difficulty in breathing or dizziness during these strokes, stop immediately. Sometimes, they will not improve with any change of position, movement or rest; it can only be evaluated by the doctor.
When to seek the help of a doctor?
If the pain in the hip is associated with pain or pressure in the pelvic region that radiates through the thighs before the 37th week during pregnancy, it is better than seeking the help of the doctor. It can be a sign of premature birth. Also, seek help in case of:
– Difficulty walking
– Difficulty in taking weight on one side