Women Packing Tips for Motorbiking Expedition

Women embarking on motorbike expeditions is not a new thing, they have since long accompanied their men in rides and have had driven on their own too. While, learning to ride is excruciating for some, packing is even more mundane. The only thing that’s common between a pro rider and a learner is that they both need frequent help with packing. This is what troubles them, even after they learn to keep the machine bull under control, they find it a bit challenging to have all the ‘utilities’ packed and kept properly.
Remember that every woman has priorities when it comes to necessities. Just make sure that your motorcycle is serviced and is safeguarded with quality accessories. Read on to find out what are the tips that you must keep in mind while packing for your motorbike expedition:
- For light body cleaning purpose, you can use a mist which can be used as a perfume, hair spray, facial spray. The best part is that it takes very little space and can even be carried in pockets. Also, if it is antibacterial and antimicrobial, you can avail multiple benefits out of it.
Sunglasses and lip balms are must. Carry a good quality sunglasses and a chapstick with SPF.
- In situations when you suffer from minor cuts and wounds, a good quality shea butter tube can come in handy. It is multi- purpose as it’s antiseptic, antibacterial, acts as a perfect moisturiser and even helps with sun tan. You can also use it as an emollient.
- Carry your basic and comfortable clothes. Ladies who feel comfortable in track pants and tights can make use of two dri-fit bottoms. Tights are always better than denims, they got pockets, are stretchable and as thick and absorbing as we want- perfect for a motorbike trip. They can be easily paired with shirts, t-shirts, biker jackets etc.
You can easily and comfortably carry two dri-fit tights and t-shirts along with a sassy biker jacket, which you must wear whilst riding itself.
There are a few ways by which you can pack your clothes so that they occupy the lease amount of space. One way is that you can fold them into rolls.
- For your emergency situations, carry a swiss knife as it can be useful in basic tools and repairs.
- Two sets of undergarments and sports bra should be enough too. While packing briefs, also keep a few ‘periods panties’. They are specifically made to be worn during periods and have amazing absorbing properties. Carry a few tampons or pantyliners. While these can be bought during the journey itself, but they won’t take much space. You can also keep them inside coiled and rounded clothing items. Take with you a multi-utility headband which can even be sported as a bandana. It’s all about the usage.
- If you’re comfortable in boots, let them be your sole companion along with a pair of flip flops. You can head out while wearing the boots and the flip flops definitely don’t take a lot of space.
You don’t need to carry a helmet separately as you’d be wearing it when you leave for the journey. A good pair of gloves should be carried along keeping in mind the nature of the journey.
7. Carry the essentials of a first aid. Your prescription medicines, asthma pumps and basic meds like painkillers, anti-allergants, band- aids, crepe bandages etc. Also, carry a few wipes and camping towels.
8. A good quality moisturising body wash that can also be used as a shampoo can also be taken. Dr Bronner’s make excellent quality castile soaps for that.
For minimal makeup requirements, a BB cream and chapstick is enough. A chapstick can also be used in place of mascara and serves a better purpose than mascara at times.
9. Carry basic food items like chocolates and dry fruits are unmatched in properties. Most food items can be easily found on the way and your items can be increased or decreased in accordance with the journey and roads taken. Chocolates and dry fruits are well to do even during mountaineering expeditions and they can serve the same purpose here too.
While packing, prepare a checklist of all the items, keeping the following points in mind:
- The basic necessities according to you. Some people are high maintenance while some are not. The products vary according to this. And you can always buy travel friendly, small packages.
- Your food preferences and allergies.
- The kind of trip you’re heading on. Does it include camping, trekking or any other activity.
- The terrains
- The duration of the trip
- The facilities available in the trip
- The goal of your trip
As you decide to ride on, work on packing forlorn. Take what is important, and the important shall have you sustained.