Guest Author: What is pregnancy massage therapy?

Massage therapy for pregnant women can be a wonderful complimentary choice to keep pace with the changes going on in their body. It is considered as one of the most natural and healthiest ways to reduce stress and mood swings that might occur on a regular basis because of hormonal changes. Massage therapy can be best utilized in case of prenatal massage as it can actively reduce stress on weight bearing joints. Most people have raised the concerns about the authenticity and credibility of massage therapy during pregnancy, but in reality, the gentle kneading strokes of massage prepare the women body to avoid tiring and painful delivery. The prenatal massage therapy increases the elasticity and range of motions associated directly with the childbirth.
It would not be wrong to say that pregnancy massage is just as important for the mother as it is for the child. No doubt bearing a child is a very complex procedure and requires to be handled with great care and precautions. One should be very careful to consult the specialist in the field who could mold the massage techniques according to your condition. Women often keep a massage chair in their rooms for gentle massage therapies as well.
This article would in detail highlight the techniques and significance of pregnancy massage that to some extent would help the women to regain their trust on prenatal massage.
What are the relevant prenatal massage techniques during different trimester?
Pregnancy Massage can be defined as more of a deep tissue massage and relaxation massage. The good thing about the massage is that it focuses on the areas that require utmost attention and care. For example, in the initial stages of pregnancy, the main aim of the therapist is to help the body to relax and get rid of stressed muscles and tissues. Whereas with the start of the second round of trimester the therapist has to make some adjustments as in the second trimester the lower body demands more touch. In the final round of trimester, the purpose of massage is shifted towards making fluid movements effective.
Which type of massage is best to be used during the pregnancy?
The most recommended massage for pregnant women is Swedish massage famous for its mild application of pressure. Swedish massage is capable enough to counter multiple numbers of discomforts that might follow pregnancy such as skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormonal changes.
How can pregnancy massage make things easier for you?
There is an extensive research being conducted on the significance of prenatal massage. Recently an international organization conducted research on the same topic and observed some potential benefits of pregnancy massage such as its ability to reduce anxiety, symptoms of depression and improves labor outcomes. Some of the potential benefits of pregnancy massage can be enlisted as follows:
Hormone regulation: The Swedish massage ensures hormone regulation to induce the overall feelings of positive wellbeing. The massage works hard to improve the cardiovascular health of both the woman and her baby.
Reduction of swelling: Swelling of joints during pregnancy is a common thing to occur which is mostly caused by increased pressure and improper blood circulation. Massage aids in the stimulation of soft tissues to reduce the collection of fluids in swollen joints. The massage also helps in the removal of toxic waste from the body that might have adverse effects on the women and the baby.
Author Bio:
Sara is a psychologist by profession and she loves massage therapies. She enjoys home-based work and traveling. She is obsessed with massage chair therapies and other relaxing techniques. She regularly posts at