5 Skincare Tips to Follow After a Facelift Surgery

It’s nothing new that the procedure involved in a facelift helps to redeem your appearance as it transforms your looks to a far younger one than your age. If you are searching for the best solution to redefine your irregular jaw line, which usually dominates an aged face, then a facelift is the best surgical procedure for you.
However, you should know that the success story of a facelift surgery in Atlanta is often written in the hands of the doctor and the patient.
After a successful surgery, you are bound to feel rejuvenated, but this only happens when the bruises and scars heal completely. The recovery process could be a tedious one, but it is surely worth it all. Every step that takes place during this period requires utmost care, constant consultation with your surgeon. To reap the benefits of a facelift surgery, you need to follow some do’s and don’ts regularly.
After a facelift surgery from a reputable hospital, or when you consult experts at Crispin Plastic Surgery, here are some tips that you can follow to ensure your skin heals well.
1. Swelling
Bruising and swelling are the most common after effects of a facelift surgery. Since the facial tissues are loose, this makes the bruises to stand out prominently. Sometimes, the distorted facial features could become a bit jarring to the eyes, but the tip here is to not panic. Follow the instructions your surgeon provides, like sleeping with your head up so it maintains an angle of about 30 degrees. another tip you should follow to soothe the swelling is to apply some ice packs or use cold compresses to constrict the blood vessel that often curbs further swelling. Give the wounds some time to heal naturally; otherwise, the risk of infections could increase more.
2. Gently Cleanse and Moisturize
After a facelift surgery, the skin becomes extremely delicate or fragile, especially around the incisions. A common fact is that post operation; the skin around the incisions becomes more prone to infections. Therefore, it is highly important that as a patient, you keep your skin clean at all times. Wash the incisions twice in a day to minimize the chances of bacterial growth.
To carry out this task, your doctors would advise you to use mild hypoallergenic products such as non-soapy cleansers. A gauze or soft cloth to gently pat the skin dry, the use of an antibiotic cream to keep the incisions moist and well covered. Instead of an antibiotic, Vaseline also works well. The whole idea here is to not allow the incisions to dry out and form hard crusts. The redness of the incisions post surgery often induces the risks of pigmentation. At this stage, the best advice is not to worry because it is all temporary. Massage the skin gently after a few days with a mild moisturizer to enhance the recovery process.
3. Sun Protection
After the facelift, about two weeks after the surgery, you have to be vigilant enough to protect your skin from excessive exposure to sunlight. If you take this lightly, your skin can become prone to develop harsh side effects such as hyperpigmentation, which can become permanent. After the surgery, the best advice is to sit indoors and stay away from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. You can apply some sunscreen when going outdoors to stay protected from the sun. Another tip is to wear a large brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield your skin and eyes from the sun rays.
4. Stay Well-Hydrated
Being well hydrated proves to be beneficial for the skin. This is true especially when the skin is subjected to a long surgical procedure. When you drink as much as six to eight glasses of water daily, you will help your skin to remain moist and fresh. It also flushes away toxins from the body and this helps to speed up the recovery process. You should also take more vegetables and fruits with more water content.
5. Avoid Applying Makeup
A common question that most women ask after a facelift is when to apply makeup again. When you go through a surgery that involves open wounds like incisions, keep in mind that the cosmetic products you use can react to the chemicals in the makeup. To be extra sure, it is best to consult your surgeon on when to use some makeup again. For a starter, you can turn to mineral makeup products, which are chemical free and less problematic for the skin. If your skin has discoloration, you can use green based concealers, which are ideal for concealing purple bruises.
When it comes to the application of makeup again, you need to have proper guidance from your doctor. When you get the green signal, you can use a soft sponge to carefully apply the makeup, and avoid the incisions.
After a facelift in Atlanta, it is advisable that you follow these tips on how to care for your incisions. Within no time, you will find yourself on the road to a speedy recovery.